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TTM Integrated
Topload Cartoning

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Short product cycles, seasonal promotions, and diverse consumer needs require manufacturers to be more flexible in production than ever before.

Well-equipped for future packaging requirements

Short product cycles, seasonal promotions, and diverse consumer needs require manufacturers to be more flexible in production than ever before. You need to react quickly to market trends and ensure that your product remains relevant to consumers. As a leading manufacturer of packaging systems, Syntegon offers a broad portfolio for various packaging tasks. Our systems are designed with your production needs in mind: format flexibility, top quality, high machine availability, and performance as well as ease of operation and changeover.

Syntegon TTM
The efficient solution for your secondary packaging

All cartoners on the TTM platform have been designed to meet your production requirements. We attach great importance to gentle handling so that your product is well protected. All Syntegon integrated topload cartoners work accurately and can reliably process a wide range of carton sizes and formats. The proven TTM topload cartoning platform combines a compact footprint with pack style variety and complete carton control as well as fast format changeovers. In the TTM, the perfect interplay of carton forming, loading, and closing meets high machine availability, quality, and consistently high performance.

With continuous improvements and numerous innovations, we are constantly optimizing the proven TTM platform. HMI, spare parts, and various components are standardized. Operation is intuitive and ergonomic. One person can operate the machine independently and change over to new formats on their own. All machines based on the TTM platform have been developed according to the same design philosophy and follow a uniform operating concept.

Drag image Interact with fingers
Compact, Hygienic and Open Design

Excellent machine accessibility and easy cleaning.

Reliable Forming

Active blank control, gentle and precise forming process.

Packaging Flexibility

Processing of various pack types in different sizes for future-proof flexibility.

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

Intuitive operation

Flexible Infeed Modules

Inline, 90°, dual-lane, products lying flat or on edge.

Easy Format Changeovers, Quick Restart

Fast, tool-free and fully reproducible.

Stability and Availability

100% carton control and robust design for maximum uptime.

Ease of Operation

Thanks to the ergonomic and safe design

Tailored to your needs

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Efficiency-enhancing features

TTM Format Change Rods

Patented format change concept

Quick-lock interfaces and pre-set format rods ensure that changeovers at a TTM are all 100% reproducible allowing a changeover with vertical restart in about 10 minutes.

Syntegon TTM PFI

Efficient high-performance infeed

For product infeed you can choose between various options. The latest one is an intelligent high speed feeding module, which is not only gentle on the product, but also very adaptive.

Feeding belt with quick-change function

The quick belt change is one of TTM's efficiency features to increase machine availability. With the quick belt change function, the time-consuming exchange of pockets will be eliminated completely.

Synexio Digital Solutions

Synexio is Syntegon’s cloud-based software solution. It displays various performance and efficiency data points as well as analysis to maximize equipment performance. Synexio helps to future-proof your production.

The integrated packaging process at a glance

Erecting the carton

The active transport of the flat blanks and the gentle erection of the carton at a moderate cycle speed guarantee a precise forming process. TTM Toploaders can reliably process blanks made of solid and corrugated cardboard as well as particularly thin cardboard material with 100 % recycled content. The formed cartons are placed on individual carriers and transported safely through the entire process.

Feeding modules

You can choose from a wide range of feeding options. We work with you to develop the optimum solution, be it inline feeding, feeding at a 90-degree angle, feeding wheel, double feeding with flat or upright products, or the new intelligent high-speed feeding module.

Product loading

Robot arms equipped with vacuum grippers pick up the products from the infeed chain and place them in the cartons in defined groups in a controlled manner. Thanks to the patented Quick-Lock system with format bars, format changes can be carried out quickly and without tools. Several formats and configurations can be set on one machine.

Closing the carton

The filled cartons are transported safely to the gluing station on their individual carriers. After the glue has been applied, the boxes are closed and then taken from the carriers and placed on the outfeed conveyor by the grippers. Cleaning the glue nozzles is a time-critical factor in the maintenance of every cartoning machine. To shorten cleaning time, the gluing station can be tilted so that it can be cleaned quickly.

TTM Outfeed

Product outfeed

The TTM platform offers a variety of different outfeed solutions. These include the integration of multipack infeed chains, additional devices for detecting faulty cartons or open carton flaps, and the integration of printing, labeling or code reading functions.

TTM platform portfolio

The core of the TTMD consists of a TTM1 or TTM2 top load cartoner in combination with one or more seamlessly integrated Delta robot cells. The camera-based vision system recognizes the products fed in random order. The TTMD has a maximum output of 150 cartons per minute.

Delta robots pick the products one or multiple at a time from the belt and place them in cartons, trays, or other containers. Each Delta robot typically performs between 60 and 90 picks per minute. The maximum pick rate is up to 120 products per minute.

Using the single or multi-pick method, the robot arms pick the products from the belt and place them in the cartons either flat or on edge. The process is organized according to the counterflow principle: The cartons move in the opposite direction to the product. This reduces rejects and ensures that each carton is filled correctly.

The machine is suitable for variety or assortment packs, as the TTMD top loader can process products from several upstream processes at the same time. The proven tool-free format change concept of the TTM platform is also used on the TTMD and enables a vertical restart after each format change.

Product comparision

Infeed Performance ++
Max. 800 ppm
Max. 1500 ppm
Max. 1500 ppm
Max. 120 ppm/robot
Max. 1500 ppm
Carton Performance +
Max. 30 cpm
Max. 100 cpm
Max. 200 cpm
Max. 150 cpm
Max. 150 cpm
Product Variance + +++ ++ + +
Footprint +++ ++ ++ + ++

What´s new?

With the lock-style technology, Syntegon is launching the latest upgrade of its proven TTM cartoner platform.

The lock-style process makes it possible to form completely glue-free cartons and trays from carton blanks. Without the need for using glue, the resulting trays can be up to a hundred percent recyclable. By eliminating adhesives during forming, maintenance efforts are significantly reduced. This enables manufacturers to lower their energy, maintenance, and material costs. …

Frequently asked questions

Our top load cartoning machines ensure 100% control over products and cartons. Each TTM machine supports a wide range of formats and products. TTM top load cartoners offer flexible loading configurations, allowing products to be loaded in multiple counts, layers, and patterns, either flat or on-edge. This versatility maximizes efficiency and adapts to diverse packaging needs.

Our monoblock top load cartoning machines offer the smallest footprint in their class. The TTM platform features a single control platform and operation concept. It provides optimal scalability, seamlessly integrating with upstream wrapping equipment to enhance your production line efficiency.

Our racetrack infeed (PIN/PCC) offers a compact 90° solution to collate and group products. Optional, this function is available with a double infeed.

The Feeding Wheel (PWL) is a high- performance feeding module with flexible layout options between 90° and 180° angle, and optional product rotation.

The Product Feeder Intelligent (PFI) uses linear motor technology for maximum product flexibility and flow control. The PFI features individual movers for positioning, rotating, and grouping products, with minimal changeover time and gentle handling.

Featuring Delta Robots our vision guided infeed is capable of handling random product streams. It requires little to no format parts and offers optional quality inspection.

Our TTM top load cartoners are capable of forming both lock-style and glue-style cartons with 100% blank control throughout the entire forming process. TTM cartoners offer scalable performance, supporting up to 6 lanes per former and up to 2 formers per machine. The modular configuration allows for multiple carton styles, including tray and hood.

Our changeover philosophy adheres to a "first-carton-right" and "vertical start-up" principle, ensuring easy and fail-safe operation with poka-yoke methods like scale- free adjustments using format rods. Change parts, such as forming and loading end-of- arm effectors, enable tool-less "plug & run" changeovers. Additionally, a recipe-based software parameter setup for robots and carton transport streamlines the process.

With more than 650 TTM cartoning machines installed worldwide, the robust machine design and product and material handling ensure reliability and best in class performance. Our top load cartoning platform shares functions and modules across the complete TTM range: TTM1, TTM2, TTME, TTML, and TTMD. We continuously improve our platform using UX methods to enhance user experience and machine efficiency.

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